What are the newest trends in SEO?

Do you want to learn about the most recent SEO trends and boost the exposure of your website, blog, or online store?
You’re fortunate!
Every year, SEO is susceptible to modifications and advances, just like any other digital technology.
The truth is that search engine optimization for websites is always becoming more challenging and complex, with ever-increasing demands: SEO content, technical SEO, local SEO, mobile SEO, social media SEO, etc.
However, businesses are still concentrating on the need to generate targeted, qualified visitors through organic positioning.
Despite this, search engine positioning is more relevant than ever. If you’re still dubious, take a look at the newest SEO trends of 2021 to learn why SEO is still at the core of any online strategy.
Equip yourself with zeal, a plan, and the necessary tools, then set out to optimize your website.
We will cover every aspect of SEO in this manual so that you can modify your approach and outrank your rivals in search engine results pages (SERPs) and increase online traffic.
In recent years, I have observed how many webmasters and SEO specialists have experienced tremendously trying—yet also successful—moments in the realm of SEO (or search engine positioning).
And the reason for this is that Google, the most popular search engine in the world, never stops developing and improving its algorithm, making it more and more naturalistic and less artificial.
These alterations inevitably result in adjustments to the SEO strategy, fluctuations in traffic, and—most importantly—the requirement that SEO specialists pay close attention to all Google-related news.
What are the newest trends in SEO?
The emergence of new search methods, such as voice search and visual search, which are starting to gain traction, is ultimately what distinguishes SEO search engine trends.
Other forms of searches are made more accessible with the presence of Google Assistant and Google Lens on Android smartphones at the price of utilizing written words.
These shifts in trend will characterize a new approach to SEO.
Not only when positioning content on this device, but also with SEO for applications, mobile already has a significant impact on the organic positioning strategy.
Whatever the most recent SEO trends may be, we are certain that mobile must be the primary focus of all we do in 2019.
In any case, one of the most significant SEO trends for 2021 is that many positioning activities must occur on platforms other than Google.
But if we want to significantly improve the SEO of our website in 2021, we will also need to wager on new channels and technology.
It is useful to specify the channels in which we must operate if we wish to successfully position ourselves.
In all facets of digital marketing, forecasts for the upcoming year’s trends are revealed at the end of each year.
Today we present the most significant SEO trends for 2021 so that no one is caught off guard and is ready to react to the ongoing changes that arise in the internet sector:
1. The mobile revolution is still progressing
Onboard the Google search aircraft, mobile devices are now in first class.
The company introduced something dubbed the Mobile-First Index in March 2018.
Although the word seems complex, it simply means that the Google robot will look at the mobile site first to determine how your page is positioned in the search results if you have a desktop version and a mobile version of your website.
Consequently, “mobile-first.”
However, if you just have a desktop version of your website, you may still get indexed, but your rank in the search engine results pages may suffer as a result (SERPs).
It happened in 2018.
Things are becoming more serious in 2021.
The speed at which a mobile web page loads will now be considered by the top search engine in the globe.
Consequently, this year, having a quick mobile site will be your key to the top Google rankings.
How to implement this trend:
Making a mobile version of your website’s desktop version is the first step.
Make sure you join the mobile editor after designing your desktop website and that you adhere to recommended practices for mobile websites.
Certain suggestions, like hiding extraneous content or switching the picture file type from PNG to JPEG, are quite simple to put into practice and will speed up the loading of your mobile site.
2. Reserve a spot in the brand-new video carousel.
Not just “Recommended Fragments” or “Featured Snippets” are the main characters that propel us to the top of the SERPs.
On June 15, Google added a carousel in place of the three videos that had previously featured at the top of the results pages.
The user can now scroll through seven or eight proposals.
Now that you have evidence, you can decide for yourself if video marketing is effective or not.
A link to a web page is less likely to be clicked than this appealing style.
How to implement this SEO trend:
To arrange your video title and description such that it accurately reflects the information you deliver, you must first conduct some keyword research, then shape those phrases as questions you anticipate the viewer will enter into Google.
Advice: The “How to do…?” films were particularly popular.
The third most significant positioning component is Rankbrain.
Although RankBrain has received a lot of attention lately, Google has declared that it is the third most crucial element for ranking on Google.
If you’ve worked in web marketing for a while, you’re probably aware of the latest changes to Google’s algorithms and the role they now play, emphasizing the caliber of links a blog receives and examining visitor behavior.
to choose whatever post in SEPS he ought to hold.
Rankbrain: What is it?
In some ways, it is true that the name does resemble a character from a science fiction video game.
Google uses RankBrain, an artificial intelligence (AI) system, to analyse and arrange search results.
This technology, which has been around since 2015, focuses on how long users stay on a page and the click-through rate.
These two elements must take precedence over RankBrain even if it still rules the SEO market.
How to implement this trend:
You must pay close attention to the meta-tags, or the SEO title and description, in order to increase click-through rates.
These components can be seen on the results pages.
Both must have the proper keywords in order to get noticed, but they also need to be appealing enough to persuade the target audience to click.
The browsing experience you provide greatly influences how long a visitor stays on your page.
Your website’s style and design, words, and graphics all have an impact on your SEO.
Visit Google Analytics to check the results, then make the necessary corrections.
One of the most significant SEO trends for 2019 is Rankbrain.
4. Voice search, one of the most significant SEO trends for 2021, is the age of the digital voice.
Online search is undergoing an unheard-of transformation.
There are more voice searches now.
The voice search feature will be one of the most significant SEO developments in 2019, and we can state that without fear of contradiction.
It will be required to start thinking about an organic stance that departs significantly from what you are accustomed to in a future where browsers are no longer necessary and web pages are going to be replaced by a voice interface.
It is predicted that by 2020, voice or image searches will account for at least 50% of all searches.
Remember that, according to comScore, one in three smartphone users participate in voice searches today, making up 50% of all smartphone users.
Virtual assistants will be crucial in this regard.
Brands will experience a transformation once their adoption becomes the standard, and they need to start preparing for it now if they want to meet their obligations when that time comes.
How to implement this trend:
First off, you have already made progress if you have used the strategies we covered above to appear in a highlighted segment.
In short, it involves changing keywords to reflect how someone could conduct a search verbally rather than in paper.
Frequently, this denotes two things:
- Users can first make their queries incredibly specific.
- Use of long-tail keywords is thus a recommended strategy.
- You will go closer to meeting the user’s expectations if you focus on more precise terminology.
- Finally, users of the Internet do not ask questions of virtual assistants in the same manner they would on Google.
- Consider changing “How do you cook pasta” to “How do you prepare pasta?” when using voice assistants.
- This differentiation is significant and might help you get better positioning.
Additionally, compared to standard SERP pages, inquiry pages show up more frequently in voice search results.
This is most likely because the questions are asked directly before the answers are given in this way.
Therefore, you already know what needs to be done.
5. Increase your website’s security.
If you use Google Chrome, you may have already noticed a message or a lock icon warning you that you are visiting a “unsafe” site in the left-hand corner of the URL bar.
The installation of a Google security upgrade in July 2018 led to the appearance of these notifications, which are now displayed on non-HTTPS (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol) web pages.
This has a highly severe effect on the positioning of the relevant pages and seems less attractive in Google’s ranking preferences, in addition to repelling more devoted visitors.
Google deserves credit for adopting these measures to protect user data as HTTP web pages are less secure.
The privacy of online data is a hot topic, particularly in light of the GDPR.
The European Union introduced the General Data Protection Regulation in May 2018 to increase data privacy by restricting what businesses can do with the personal data they possess about their customers.
Although it has nothing to do with HTTPS takeover specifically, it does point to a broader trend of increased Internet security awareness, which your website users take extremely seriously.
How to implement this SEO trend:
- If you don’t take any action to update your website to the new 2019 security standard, this security update could drag you down.
- For instance, if this “Not safe” warning appears, it’s probable that your visitors will quit the page right away and go to one that is more secure.
Beyond aesthetics, there is also the possibility that useless software could take control of plain HTTP web sites because to their vulnerability.
In the end, a bad user experience on your page can increase bounce rates and shorten the amount of time visitors spend looking around your website.
Therefore, it’s crucial to increase the security of your website.
One of the most significant SEO trends for 2019 is this, which you should have in mind.
Social television SEO, number six
25% of people in RRSS have already viewed the video material.
Consequently, FB is creating several forms to elevate this information to the top position.
In order to compete with Netflix and YouTube, he accomplishes this through IGTV or FB Watch.
Start implementing this method if your business has these accounts in order to be more pertinent and reach as many users as possible.
The growth of social television is accelerating.
It comes as no surprise that it is among the most significant social media trends of 2019.
Social media users generally accept audiovisual content; 25% of smartphone users view video on social media at least once every day.
By producing video content for social networks, we can keep our audience engaged and greatly improve the brand’s recognition.
Instagram Tv’s (IGTV) most recent introduction or a Facebook Watch plan that gets more complex (with which Facebook hopes to enter the field of video on demand and compete with giants such as Netflix or audiovisual YouTube).
Facebook encourages independent content creators to create materials for their platforms.
SEO is useful in this situation.
A SERP exists whenever there is a search engine.
It makes sense that video material would be among the top results on social media networks.
Once more, it is clear that views are a key predictor of improvement in these rankings.
One of the most significant SEO 2019 trends for businesses that produce audiovisual material or have included it in their global strategy is positioning on these video platforms.