Why do children love Santa Claus?

Santa claus is a symbol of goodwill
Regardless of medium or form of presentation, a consistent Santa Claus brand experience should remind people of the goodness and joy that this holiday symbol embodies. As with any brand, inconsistent use can dilute what the brand stands for and damage the loyalty and enjoyment of its advocates. Bad Santa might be a fun movie, but we don’t want it on every street corner, posing with our kids at the mall or knocking on our door in the middle of the night. However, branded Santas are more than welcome.
Waking up early in the morning to write a letter to Santa fills children all over the world with hopes and dreams. When Santa is around—sliding down the chimney and handing out presents—all negativity fades away. The man himself brought gifts and hospitality to the festivities on Joe’s behalf.
Santa brings joy and gifts. Can you imagine Santa not delivering these things? This brand promise should guide every activity of Santa’s crew—the North Pole elves and tens of thousands of parents. If, like any employee who builds a brand, their efforts somehow do not contribute to the end result, in this case generating joy and goodwill from Santa fans, which is inconsistent with, and compatible with, what the brand stands for.
Santa claus is a cultural icon
Santa Claus, a legendary figure, is the traditional patron saint of Christmas in the United States and other countries, bringing presents to children. His popular image is based on traditions associated with the 4th-century Christian saint St. Nicholas. Santa Claus plays this role in many European countries.
Santa Claus is truly our only cultural icon, a male, gunless man who represents peace, joy, giving and caring for others. That’s part of the magic to me, especially in a culture where we’ve become so commercialized and dependent on making icons. Santa Claus is more organic, whole, connected to the past and therefore to the future.
The Santa Claus myth dates back hundreds of years to a real monk named Saint Nicholas, who was born around 280 AD in what is now Turkey. He was known to be very generous to the poor, often giving them gifts. Fast-forward to 16th-century England under Henry VIII; here “Santa Claus” is depicted as a tall man in a red fur-lined robe, representing the spirit of Christmas. Eventually the two characters merged, and today’s Santa Claus was born and has remained popular ever since, primarily in Western Christian culture, but also among Westerners who aren’t necessarily religious.
Santa claus is a symbol of generosity
Santa’s image as a benevolent figure is reinforced by his association with charities, especially through organizations such as the Salvation Army. Volunteers dressed as Santa are often part of fundraisers during the Christmas season to help families in need.
The Santa Claus tradition has grown in many cultures from the fourth-century actions of St. Nicholas, a bishop who delivered gifts to many poor people to save them from misery. Like all saints, this holy figure lived the Gospel and followed the example of Jesus by giving generously to others in imitation of a merciful God.
Santa brings joy to the children of the world and in his own way is a powerful symbol of God who cares about all people, especially the little ones in the world. He showed us what the world would be like if everyone would play their part in the short time allotted to us.
Santa claus is a symbol of christmas
Today, although the image of Santa Claus originated in the third century AD, it has mainly become a symbol of wishes, gifts and fun. But there are other symbols of Christmas. Symbols that can remind us of the true meaning of Christmas.
In the United States, Santa Claus is often depicted flying from door to door delivering toys to children on Christmas Eve. He rides in a magical sleigh led by his reindeer: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and most famously Rudolph the reindeer. Santa Claus enters every home through the chimney, which is why empty Christmas stockings—once empty socks, now usually stockings made just for the occasion—”are carefully hung up the chimney, hoping that Santa will soon will appear,” Clement Clarke wrote of it in Moore’s famous poem. Stockings can be filled with candy canes and other treats or small toys.
Santa Claus is a fantasy figure who is said to bring presents to children on the night before Christmas, St. Nicholas’ Day or New Year’s Eve. Different cultures, religions and countries use different names for Santa Claus. However, he is generally seen as a cheerful, white-bearded man in a red suit who lives in the North Pole and carries bags full of children’s presents. Santa Claus is believed to make lists of children from all over the world, sort them according to their behavior (naughty or kind), and bring presents, including toys and candy, to all well-behaved children in the world. He does this with the help of elves in his workshop who make toys and reindeer who pull his sleigh.